15 January

United Nations Model UN Youth Summit

Model United Nations (MUN) simulations are popular exercises for those interested in learning more about the United Nations (UN). It is estimated that more than 400,000 students worldwide participate every year in MUN at all educational levels – from primary …

05 November

MDP / Global Classroom Sustainability Program

November 06, 2018 organized a public lecture on the topic: «Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): capacity building and knowledge transfer» Organized by the Ban Ki-moon Institute for Sustainable Development, Global Hub of United Nations Academic Impact on Sustainability, Model UN New …

28 October

(Қазақша) Дүниежүзілік қала күнін мерекелеу: өміршең қалалардың тұрақты даму мақсатындағы серіктестік

MDP / Global Classroom Sustainability Program   October 30, 2018 organized a public lecture on the topic: Celebrating the World Cities Day: Partnership for Sustainable Development and Resilient Cities   Organized by the Ban Ki-moon Institute for Sustainable Development, Global …