Meeting with a representative of Harvard University, Davis Center in Almaty

On April 25, 2024, Ban Ki-moon Institute for Sustainable Development at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted a visit from Professor Daniel Epstein, representing Harvard University’s Davis Center. The purpose of the visit was to explore partnership opportunities in the field of science and education.

During the visit, Professor Epstein had the opportunity to tour the museum and library of Al-Farabi University and engage in discussions with the university’s leadership regarding the potential for mutually beneficial collaboration. The delegation was warmly welcomed by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Mukhambetkali Burkitbayev, who provided an overview of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University’s activities and achievements.

In turn, Professor Daniel Epstein shared insights into the “Scientists Without Borders” initiative of Harvard University’s Davis Center, which supports researchers from Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus who have been unable to continue their professional activities due to ongoing conflicts. Unlike programs such as “Scholars at Risk,” which assist a limited number of scholars in relocating to North America or Europe, “Scientists Without Borders” aims to serve as a coordination hub for supporting scholars in their current countries of residence, including Ukraine, Montenegro, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Israel, Georgia, Armenia, and many others.

The program focuses on the professional development of migrant scholars, expanding their connections with the international academic community, and providing opportunities for them to share the results of their research, participate in collaborative studies, conferences, and business meetings.

Professor Epstein outlined the areas of cooperation that pique their interest, including fostering interactions between scholars from Russia and Ukraine with those from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Harvard, engagement with the “American Council” center program, the “Bolashak” program for 500 scholars, and the development of multifaceted relationships utilizing various implementation models (joint implementation of research projects, funding opportunities, collaboration in scientific paper writing, participation in conferences, etc.).

Additionally, Professor Epstein held a meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, L.F. Delovarova, to discuss potential avenues of collaboration between Harvard University’s Davis Center and researchers and doctoral students at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.


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