Students of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare at al-Farabi KazNU demonstrated brilliant erudition and great scientific potential on the intellectual game «Science Ring», organized by the teaching staff of the Department.

In the modern world, the problem of euthanasia is one of the most discussed in society. It is located at the intersection of a huge range of disciplines – medicine, law, psychology of philosophy, and religion. For a full discussion of it, the participation of specialists from all these areas is necessary. Therefore, our undergraduates did not remain aloof from the fully discussed issue, to which it is difficult to find a single point of view and a humane comprehensive answer.

Modern youth in medicine has erudition and great scientific potential. This was vividly demonstrated by undergraduates in the intellectual game “Science Ring”. The competition was attended by two teams such as called «Researchers» and «Life Formula».

At the beginning of the event, the organizers announced the rules according to which the game took place in 2 rounds, the teams were given 1 minute to think about the answer, the countdown began after the host’s command: «Time», and in the event of a false start for one of the teams, the right of reply passed to the opposing team. In case of an incorrect answer, the right to answer was transferred to the opposing team with the addition of 20 seconds.

According to the results of a rather intense game, the team «Life Formula» was recognized as the winner.

In the process of intellectual battle, the participants were able to demonstrate worthy knowledge not only in the field of medicine, but rather emotionally presented the arguments for and against the legal, economic, religious, and social euthanasia.  In general, Science Ring was dynamic, exciting, and bright, which aroused the interest of young scientists.

Dated March 10, 2020.

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