Online workshop by New Silk Way Model UN

Design Thinking Discussions Online Workshop (by New Silk Way Model United Nations)

Date: July 16-17, 2020, via ZOOM platform. 

The International Model United Nations – New Silk Way has successfully organized a workshop of Online Design Thinking Discussions. This event is designed to provide attendees with opportunities to discuss impact and challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic on education and mental health. The event has been organized in order to welcome young leaders who are ready to make a change and collaborate to establish a peaceful future being a communication platform to take an action to deal with the impact and consequences of COVID-19 Pandemic. The workshop was moderated by the Secretary General Mr. Dzhafar Kabidenov and a keynote speaker  Professor Rafis Abazov started the opening ceremony welcoming young leaders to the virtual conference.

This event took place within the context of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) Initiative, coordinated and supported by the al-Farabi Kazakh National University in close cooperation with the United Nations Information Office (UNIC) in Almaty, the Representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan in Almaty, foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Kazakhstan as well other partners.

There were 2 agendas in three languages discussed:
1. Online Education dueto COVID-19:Access.Knowledge.Evaluation.(Kazakh ??/Russian ??/English ??)
2. Mental Health in the era of post-COVID-19: Infodemic. Unemployment. Uncertainty. (Kazakh ??/Russian ??/English ??)
More than 60 participants were chosen out of 104 registered delegates and the workshop was chaired by 6 Chairs from different parts of the world.

Participants were given certificates of recognition on 3 nominations such as “successful participation”, “contribution” and “best idea maker”.
This event was initiated by the NSWMUN Organizing Committee and supported by al- Farabi KazNU and Ban Ki-moon Institute for Sustainable development.



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