The meeting of the working group on the project «Smart Cities on the Silk Road» in the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

March 15, 2019: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a meeting of the working research group chaired by Burkitbaev Mukhambetkli Myrzabayevich. The working research group discussed the progress and schedule of organizational work on the project collective monograph «Smart Cities on the Silk Road».

The meeting was attended by members of the working group: the Director of the Ban Ki-moon Institute for Sustainable Development at – Rafis Abazov, as well as members of the working group Salnikov Vitaly Grigorievich; Alinov Maksat Sharapatovich; Bazarbaeva Tursynkul Amankeldievna.

The meeting of the working group was chaired by the First Vice-Rector of the KazNU, Professor M. Burkitbayev. He spoke about the progress in preparing the research monograph and on the confirmation of the schedule and draft table of content of the book. The participants also discussed questions about sending additional invitation letters in order to involve several additional authors and about preparing a round table on April 10. Also were considered questions about the preparation of the section at the Al Farabi Readings in April 2019 and the preparation for the AEF-2019.

Participants of the meeting noted the importance of the project “Smart City on the Silk Road” and learning about the international experience in the development of smart and sustainable cities and campuses in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

According to the final protocol of the meeting, following was decided: to hold a round table on March 20 on the book and organize a session within the framework of the “Farabi readings” at the beginning of April 2019.

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