“Japan Virtual Campus (JV-Campus)” is the online international education platform from Japan.
JV-Campus is a new all-Japan international online education platform commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan in April 2021 as part of the Top Global University Project in the new normal. As a countermeasure to situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic which severely impacted the physical mobility of people resulting in the drastic decrease in both inbound and outbound student numbers, the JV-Campus project was
conceptualized by MEXT and awarded to the University of Tsukuba as the headquarters in May 2021. As its vision statement, JV-Campus aims to “evolve learners and organizations, by weaving and circulating wisdom together”.
More than 50 national and private universities, and international organizations in Japan are opening their showcases on JV-Campus, foreign universities, including Taiwanese universities, have also committed to participate in JV-Campus.
As the international gateway to higher education in Japan, JV-Campus connects Japan and the world.